It's been a long hard Winter and Spring.
I opened the shop in early December and was pleased to meet many local music lovers and find that I had recordings to suit their many tastes. Christmas came and no sooner had I opened then I was closed down again. The double whammy was when after self isolating for a week my knee surgery was cancelled a week before the operation in January as the ward was lost to Covid patients.
This gave me an opportunity to get the walk in fridge from the previous butchers removed and to start on phase 2 of my display counters for sheet music, gramophone records and Hi Fi hardware.
I started to look towards re-opening on the 12th of April. New stock had arrived and work was progressing nicely when... a new date for surgery came up. I was going to have to self isolate from the11th April! So I am now out of hospital and recovering my mobility.
You may find me in the shop over the next couple of weeks and I intend to be fully re opened from the 17th of May. This is when the nearby bars and restaurants will be able to trade and hopefully the footfall will increase around the area.
Covid regulations will still be in place so you will still need to wear a face mask, hand sanitizer is available and only 3-4 customers will be able to browse at the same time keeping social distancing.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
